While much of my background was covered in the About section on my website, I wanted to deep dive into my purpose and initiative to start this blog.
I don’t quite fit the Instagram-er or Tik Tok-er mold—I try my best but I can’t quite keep up with the constant new trends, aesthetically pleasing content creation, and overall dedication. With juggling my full-time job, studying to earn my Holistic Nutritionist certification, and managing my day-to-day responsibilities—cooking, cleaning, prepping for the weeks ahead, and managing my social and love life, while making the time to follow my treatment regimen, meet with my doctor, exercise, rest, and heal. I feel like I’m always in GO, GO, GO mode.
The online influencer space has created this access to a wealth of knowledge like never before on ALL things health and wellness. It’s inspired me, it’s educated me, it’s helped me create healthy habits, it’s freaked me out at times, and it’s definitely overwhelmed me. While it is absolutely incredible the information we have access to in this day and age, there also comes a distrust in an “influencers” incentive to “sell” you on products, subscriptions, services—whatever it may be, contradicting information, photoshopped scammers, and other questionable things you may find online. However, it is important to take everything with a grain of salt—everyone is different, and therefore different things work for different people. There is no right answer or one size fits all approach when it comes to health and wellness.
I’m very type A. I like to organize my notes, thoughts, ideas, to-do’s, and routines in a very structured manner. I am fortunate to have access to be treated by a holistic doctor and have the means to sign up for my Holistic Nutritionist program. So, I figured I’d create a mindful, open space with a slower pace than social media and influencer culture, where I can always refer back to and reflect on my thoughts and progress and share my knowledge and experiences by allowing others to explore any and all of the information that I share as I heal. ( + some of my favorite products, wellness habits, recipes, etc.!)
Ultimately, I want to openly share my experiences as I heal because it is becoming far too common to experience these sorts of health issues and accept them as your new normal. It’s time to take your health into your own hands. I am still working through my symptoms, seeking out my answers, and even waiting to be labeled with some sort of diagnosis based on my symptoms. I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I’m closer to achieving the standard of health I know I deserve!